Monday, January 17, 2011

The trains at the hardware store in Blackstone

So many items in this train display

All nine grandchildren and they enjoyed the trains

Before New Years' Eve Party

Rosie as Princess

grandkids playing computer games, etc.

Rose and Tommy making noise for the New Year

Phil getting ready for New Years Not too excited as yet

Ben is waiting for New Years'

Kids, again, playing games

The New Year arrived

Paula, Fred and Ben waiting for New Years'

JoAnn and Rosie and Tommy. They stayed up to welcome in the New Year and then some.

The young ones ran around banging pots and pans at midnight. Wonder if the neighbors were awake? Not after this.

I will have to do another blog shortly, since I have lots more pictures. I have tried several times to blog, but was not able to do so. I also realized looking through the blog, before printing, that the information is not where it is supposed to be. URRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHH.