Saturday, June 13, 2009

Aunt Paula and Nichole and Abbey

Paula and Chris

Kim and Paula

Abbey and Fred

Nichole and Ben

Abbey using the sabre on Ben

Abbey the sword swallower

Ben sitting with the American Girl dolls

Nichole and Abbey at Donna's Tea Party

Kathy with daughter, Kate, and Becca, Donna's daughter

The four girls at the tea party

Best friends--Paula, Donna, and Kathy

Nichole with French braids that Aunt Paula did

Abbey's French braiding, done by Aunt Paula

Grandpa, Pete, and Nichole watching me take their picture, instead of watching TV

Smokey on the side porch

Our spoiled Phantom on Grandpa's lap

1 comment:

Aunt Martha said...

Very nice French braiding...I will have to take lessons!