Thursday, August 6, 2009

This are just some of the pictures that didn't get in the blog that I did just before I did this one. I don't know why some of the pictures get lost in the procedure, but I did NOT like it, so had to get back on and do another blog. Some of these pictures were from the dance preformance that the girls did of "CATS" at the nursing home. Some are of the "Polar Xpress" ice cream shop and when Todd got home from base on Friday evening. I took two pictures in the car right after we all went swimming at the "Y". I wasn't allowed to take pictures at the pool. Charlie and I are enjoying some ice cream.

1 comment:

Martha said...

You weren't allowed to take pictures at the 'Y'? What's up with that? Grandparents take pictures of their grandchildren in my swimming classes all the time!