Saturday, May 16, 2009

Up in OHIO with grandkids and son and wife

Birthday Boy Rosie and Tommy up in tree on Mother's Day

Funny Birthday Cards-blowing out candles

Lily's dance recital costume, minus the pink shorts!

Lily's guinea pig named Bailey.

Rosie and Tommy swinging with their dad on their front porch.
Watching T.V. Note the starring eyes!

Having a picnic on the living room rug, what fun we had.

Lily in pink with her best friend Emma. They were getting ready to get on the school bus to go to first grade. School is almost out for the year!

Tommy - so very handsome!

Rosie - so very cute!

Rosie and Tom at Target. They had a blast in the store. It helps that their mom bought them popcorn and a drink box. Kept them occupied, so did the toys!

My 12 days up in OHIO with the grandkids went too very fast. We had lots of fun and did so many things! Lily drew me a pictures before I left, and she drew pictures for everything that we did, and it was a very big drawing!
I was up there for Phil's 36th. birthday, as well as Mother's Day. It was really a great time. I will have to do other blogs with my vacation pictures, since I did take lots of pictures.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Someone does a lot of crocheting...I especially liked the cape that Rose was wearing as she and Tom climbed in the tree.